Jedną z najczęściej wybieranych metod promocji jest korzystanie z różnych form reklamy zewnętrznej. Pozwala ona na prezentację przygotowanego przekazu wielu odbiorcom, a także na efektowne wyeksponowanie treści związanych z daną marką czy produktem, które będą dostępne przez całą dobę i znakomicie widoczne, zwłaszcza jeżeli zostaną odpowiednio podświetlone. Wśród najpopularniejszych i zarazem najskuteczniejszych rozwiązań jest korzystanie z siatek reklamowych z nadrukiem. Pozwalają one na zagospodarowanie znacznych powierzchni, uzyskanie wysokiej jakości obrazów i świetnej trwałości, a w stosunku do osiąganych rezultatów mają niezwykle wysoki stosunek użyteczności do ceny. Przekonajmy się, czym są i sprawdźmy, gdzie się je montuje.
What do you need to know about large-format mesh?
An interesting form of large-format outdoor advertising are banners made of so-called mesh. They can reach very large sizes, and at the same time are lightweight and resistant to wind. This is possible due to their structure – since they are openwork, they do not overload the structure on which they will be placed. The small holes in their surface are permeable to air, so there are no problems with either air pressure or the vacuum generated. The advertisement is not in danger of breaking off in stronger gusts, nor is it a nuisance for those in the immediate vicinity to shovel. It will also be very important that, due to their nature, they do not block the access of light. Thus, they can also be used to cover large glazing without completely obscuring the rooms behind them. The material from which the mesh nets are made is resistant to external conditions and does not soak up water, so there is no concern about a sudden increase in the weight of the whole in case of a downpour. They also do not pose a fire hazard. Extremely importantly, printing on mesh can be done in high quality, so there is no obstacle to present any content including visually attractive graphics, photos and inscriptions.
Where are advertising mesh nets used?
Advertising with the use of mesh nets with appropriate high-quality prints is attached to the supporting structure by means of sturdy steel or plastic cables, which allow it to be stretched and held despite the blowing wind or heavier rainfall. They are used on the facades of buildings, using stable and sturdy anchors, as well as hung on scaffolding set up for renovations or mounted only to expose a particular mesh. They can also be placed on large fences, specially built racks or various transmission infrastructure – overpasses, footbridges and even industrial chimneys or tanks, supports and ramps.